Adding an energy saver to a compressed air adsorption dryer (original equipment or retrofit) allows the consumption of compressed air or electricity to be adjusted to the actual operating conditions of the dryer. On installations subject to load rates lower than the nominal, the economizer proportionally reduces the energy consumption necessary ...
Adding an energy saver to a compressed air adsorption dryer (original equipment or retrofit) allows the consumption of compressed air or electricity to be adjusted to the actual operating conditions of the dryer. On installations subject to load rates lower than the nominal, the economizer proportionally reduces the energy consumption necessary for the regeneration of the desiccant of the dryers.
EMS For Deltech Eurodry heatless dryers
The EMS2 economizer allows the compressed air consumption of Eurodry dryers to beadjusted according to the actual charge rate (pressure, flow, temperature). A humiditysensor placed on the air outlet pipe of the dryer continuously analyzes the dew point andallows the length of the cycles to be extended during load rates lower than nominal. Thus,the system...See product sheet -
E8 for Deltech MWE heat dryers
The E8 economizer has been designed to efficiently optimize the yields of DELTECH MWEseries adsorption compressed air dryers.This system regenerates the desiccant only when the dew point exceeds the set value (userconfigurable).The energy consumption is then subject to the actual rate of charge of the dryer (pressure,flow, temperature).Significant energy...See product sheet -
RETROCONOMY is an intelligent controller intended to be retroactively installed on existingadsorption dryers instead of a simple, fixed cycle controller.It allows significant savings to be made in the event of a charge rate lower than the nominalthanks to a control of the regeneration flow according to the desired dew point.The dew point is permanently...See product sheet