Our company is recognized in the industrial distribution market for the quality and reliability of its products.
Our distribution agreements only appeal to first-rate manufacturers with whom we have long-standing relationships, mutual trust Customer service remains a common primary objective.

If the reliability of our products is well known to our distributors, it seemed important to us that it could be contractualized in order to be highlighted among your customers and prospects.
This is why we have decided to extend the warranty on all our dryers to a period of 2 years.
This extension of the warranty period (according to our general warranty conditions indicated in chapter I of our GTC) is granted subject to maintenance of the machine, compliance with the manufacturer's instructions and the exclusive use of spare parts. 'origin.
This guarantee will be effective, with no additional cost or special procedure on your part for all dryers delivered from March 1, 2016.
Our goal is to strengthen the confidence that your customers will gain vis-à-vis your commercial proposals and thus help you to materialize a greater number of businesses on these materials.