Early in 2013, BA / BB filtration assemblies evolved to integrate the new Walker filter models from the ALPHA series.

The models become respectively:
BA / BB 28 W / FSP (Replace BA / BB 20 W / FSP)
BA / BB 38 W / FSP (Replace BA / BB 30 W / FSP)
The debits processed are greater. They go from 25 to 42 m3 / h for the "28" models and from 50 to 60 m3 / h for the "38" models.
All filters are internally protected by protection anti-corrosion type E-Coat and are equipped with automatic air vents.
These sets deliver the highest quality compressed air (Class 1 for oil and solid particles according to ISO standard 8573-1 of June 2010). They perfectly meet all demanding applications (Food air, air process, paint booths, etc.)