Among the techniques used to detect compressed air leaks, detecting the ultrasound generated by this leak remains the most reliable and least expensive method.

LOCATOR is a compact, simple, and efficient detector. It can be used by all maintenance personnel without special training.
Just direct LOCATOR to the air - or vacuum network, particularly on fittings and accessories, and pull the trigger.
Leaks are detected and reported visibly (10 LED bar) and audible via the supplied headphones. Leak detection is an essential exercise that offers immediate profitability.
Half of the network diagnoses revealed a leakage rate greater than 40% of consumption. (Source: ADEME)
Under pressure of 7 bars, a 1 mm hole represents an energy loss of € 300 / year!
LOCATOR is a product with great potential for sale or as a service to your customers!

Aim ... press ... the leak is localized!