As standard, these controllers allow, via a potential-free contact provided by the customer, to control the operation of the dryer to the needs of the installation.

This contact must be connected between terminals 1 and 2 of the "EM" connector located at the bottom of the controller.
When the contact is closed, the voltage of +5 volts returns to the controller and the dryer operates continuously.

When the contact opens, the dryer switches to "Standby" mode and therefore no compressed air consumption is used for regeneration.
This contact can come from a pressure switch mounted on the tank or from a contact from a hygrometer.
In the factory configuration, all dryers, and the controllers supplied as spare parts, are provided with a bridge on terminals 1 and 2 of the "EM" connector (see photo.)

Warning: if this bridge is not in place, or if the contact is defective or unstable, the dryer will remain in standby mode (no cycle start, no lights on)
In the event of such a problem, remember to check for the presence of this bridge in the connector.